The C.S. Lewis Society of California

Encouraging deeper understanding of Lewis as a man, author and thinker, as well as others’ work that pertains to such topics

Book and Film Club:
The Great Divorce, by C. S. Lewis

Newsletter of the C. S. Lewis Society of California:


Bay Area Lewis and Tolkien fans: Friday, January 31st, & Saturday, February 1st: Come in costume for a film clip and a panel discussion each night from 7 pm to 9 pm. Friday, January 31st, will be film clips and a panel on The True Origins of Star Wars. Saturday night will feature clips from The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films and a panel on The Tolkien You Never Knew. You can attend one or the other or both; admission is just a suggested donation of $20 per person. There will be prizes for the best costumes each night! Visit to get all the details and register today ... See MoreSee Less
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Attention, those in the SF Bay Area: You are invited to an exciting two-day academic conference called Fahrenheit 2451 on January 31st and February 1st at the Internet Archive: In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury imagines a “living library” where people memorize classic books to preserve them from the flames. From Tolkien’s and C.S. Lewis’s mythologies to the epic tales of Star Wars, great works carry timeless truths. What books, films, or art would YOU preserve for the next few hundred years? Come to Fahrenheit 2451 and let us know! Whether you’re a scholar or a passionate fan, this conference is for you. Each day, there are paper presentations, panel discussions, and workshops. Explore knowledge preservation, dive into timeless texts, films, and art; and find inspiration in like-minded communities. Visit to get all the details and register today. ... See MoreSee Less
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Joseph Loconte and his team traveled to Addison's Walk at Oxford to film this video recounting the remarkable conversation between C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien that led directly to Lewis's conversion to Christianity. ... See MoreSee Less
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We are an independent, non-profit, Christian, educational and cultural organization stimulating and advancing public interest in the life, works, and ideas of C. S. Lewis

Learn more about our upcoming events, speakers, and bi-weekly meetings.

We welcome those interested in C.S. Lewis to become a member and participate in our programs or to start a group of their own.

C.S. Lewis Books

In his professional writings, Lewis was a literary critic, novelist, poet, essayist, and man of letters. His work captures a grandeur, precision, wit, imagination and insight seldom matched by others, and in the process, he articulately critiques the materialism, reductionism, scientism, collectivism, nihilism, statism, and de-humanization of the modern era.

Our Mission